Ever wanted to see a real life dinasour? Crocodiles are kind of like dinasours. My mom is taking me and my brothers and sisters to the river, where they live. Come with us. We have to be very careful. Crocodiles would love to eat a baby lion. Mom will show us how to spot them in the water. Ah, man! Now we're all dirty. We're going to have a bath-yuck.
Up Next in Season 1
MWF102 - Baby Crocodile
Ever tried to hold your breath underwater for a whole hour? Me neither, but my mom can! Wow. Everything looks so colourful under the water. Come and see for yourself when you visit me in the African swamps. I’ll show you where I hatched from my underground nest and how I stalk my food without ma...
MWF103 - Baby Banded Mongoose
Ever built a fort in the outdoors? The African swamps have lots of really cool natural forts. I and my family move into a new one every few weeks. We call it our den. Do you want to help us find a new den? It needs lots of rooms if all 30 of us are going to fit in. Let's go exploring and find the...
MWF104 - Baby Spotted Hyena
Ever chewed on a really tough bone? I’m a baby Hyena and this is my family. We’re called a clan. My mother is the leader of our clan. Besides eating meat, a grown hyena can chew and swallow animal bones. We don’t like to waste food. One day we will be as tough as mom and the others.